On May 26th, I worked from 8-12, went to my best friend's house and piled my stuff in her car. We made the drive from Mobile to Atlanta in pretty good time, checked into a hotel, and found the movie theater. There was already quite a line of Browncoats waiting to get in. The atmosphere outside the theater was festive, with a charge of excitement in the air. You could tell this was a group of people who were getting the treat of a lifetime! We waited in line for about an hour and were finally let into the building. During that hour, I noticed that people who were coming to the theater to see other movies were looking at us with curious interest. One girl even asked if we were in line for Star Wars. We laughed and told her about a little movie called Serenity that would be released in September. I think she thought we were geeks, but we didn't care!
The movie started at 10 p.m. and we cheered to see Joss Whedon appear on the screen. His message to the fans was heartfelt and funny. So funny. The man is a comic genius. He said the movie was made in part because of the dedication of the fans. He said "we've done the impossible and that makes us mighty" which is a favorite quote from Firefly. The fans cheered when he ended his speech with the words, "welcome to Serenity."
I'm afraid I can't say much about the movie itself, because to say anything about the plot would spoil things, and that's the last thing I want to do. This movie is complex yet simple, beautiful yet gritty, and emotional yet hilarous. Seriously, the comedy in this movie is the best! Snarky humor is my favorite anyway, but even if you don't like snark, you'll love it in this movie. Whedonesque humor has a unique quotability. You will find yourself quoting it often, in fact.
So how does a TV show translate to the big screen? Flawlessly. Nathan Fillion's Captain Malcom Reynolds plays much better on the big screen. He's a larger than life conflicted hero who makes choices that are not always popular, but are made to ensure the survival of his crew. Another character that is enhanced on the big screen is Adam Baldwin's Jayne Cobb. The man relishes each line. He plays Jayne with so much fun and flair that you know he's playing his favorite role ever. It is a rare and beautiful thing to witness, but the actors in this movie love their characters and that love shows on the screen. The chemistry between the actors is phenomenal, and, even though the story is much darker than any of the stories in the series, the humor is just as funny, perhaps funnier.
The version I saw was unfinished and had place holders for music and effects. However, it was practically perfect just the way it was. I hope they don't change anything other than polishing up the effects and putting in the original score.
Joss and Co. keep saying it is up to the Browncoats to help promote the film, so here I am, doing my part. GO SEE SERENITY ON SEPT 30!!! You will not regret it. You will see a film with action, drama, sci fi, adventure, mystery, humor, love, relationships, space ships, gorgeous people, and an awesome script!
It really does have something for everyone.
Go to www.serenitymovie.com for more information on the movie.
To find an advanced screening near you, go to www.cantstopthesignal.com There's one on June 23. Tickets are on sale now!
ReplyDeleteSo good to find your blog.
I am a Serenity fan from the get-go, and I'm happy to see that Alabama has more browncoats.
Check out http://www.moralcalculus.blogpspot.com for further browncoat loving hijinks. (That's my friend Sarah's blog.)
Anyway, I'll be around.
If you're a fan of LOST, check out lost tv episode