Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Dollhouse progress and a shiny new obsession!

Made a little progress on the dollhouse this evening. I actually managed to put the porch rails and posts up and put the wallpaper and carpet in another room. Now just two full rooms left to paper and three very small rooms (without windows, so they will be easy!) Still have to do the shingles, though. Can you tell I'm avoiding them?! They scare me. I'll probably work on them tomorrow, though. I have to get this house done by Christmas. The kids have had a very rough year and I want to make sure they have a great Christmas. It may not make up for the awful time they've had recently, but at least it will give them some joy.

In other news, I've developed a shiny new obsession! A couple of weeks ago, I ordered a handheld computer with GPS, and Marcus (thanks a lot, man!) told me about geocaching. For info, go here: www.geocaching.com And Marcus, I'll be coming to P'cola to find some caches there, and I expect navigation assistance from you! lol

It's like a treasure hunt! How fun, right? I plan to get very obsessive about this. My mom wants to join me on my hunts, and I thought I'd take Noah along too, so we can spend some time together. He's growing up so fast that soon he's not going to care much about hanging out with his silly aunt, so I've got to enjoy the time I have left! But I think this could be a really fun thing for us to do. And anytime I go on vacation somewhere, I'll see if there's a cache somewhere for me to locate while I'm away. I've been wanting to get outside more, to spend more time doing something active and interesting, so here's something that will do both!

Still editing Summer's Blossom. Rewriting some scenes and adding parts that I knew I would need to, but left out because of time during November. It should be ready to be sent off by February at the latest, hopefully. That's what I'm shooting for, anyway. Still planning the three novels for next year. Unless we get hit by another hurricane, I'm going to do the hurricane story for NaNoWriMo next year. If we get another storm, I'll be in the same place I was this year, just not ready to write about it. I REALLY hope we don't get another storm!

Work has been great this week. Very productive. I have almost finished creating all the pages for the Web site. I can't believe there will be more than 50 by the time I'm finished. I figured out some sneaky ways of getting around the FrontPage limitations, so I think the pages will look really nice when I'm finished. There will be cool archive pages about our disaster relief efforts and links to the photo galleries for each year. Our photos from Katrina relief will go there.

I revamped my personal site the other day. I should probably think about getting a domain name and a site without ads so I can make a truly professional writer's Web site. It would be a little premature right now, but sometime in the future, I'll need to do that. For now, the geocities site will do. I even made graphics to go with each piece of fiction on the site and linked the graphics to the corresponding story. It was fun. (yes, I find very strange things fun, lol)

Anyway, it's midnight and I'm sleepy. Visions of shingles are sure to dance in my head. Or perhaps a clown mafia, due to an extremely enjoyable and funny phone conversation I had earlier today. I'm actually hoping for the shingles.


  1. Ah - another one is hooked. Once it gets into yuor blood the only thing you want to do is go geocaching. :-)

    Mike and Barb
    At The Jestcaching Blog

  2. I fear that you are right! I think I'm going on my first hunt tomorrow. My GPS hasn't arrived yet, but I know the locations of two in my area, so I might go after them without it! (is that against the rules?)
