Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ah, the joys of working in PR

I love my job. I really do. It provides so much material for great stories down the road. I recently spent some time in Moss Point, Mississippi for a work related project and I got a chance to talk to some people who had been affected by Hurricane Katrina. So many people have stories of survival and helping others to survive. It's truly inspiring.

Now to the thing I couldn't talk about before. We are going to be involved in a very special event next Saturday. We are going to serve a holiday meal to hurricane victims in Mississippi, sponsored by Western Union and the Harlem Globetrotters. I remember the Globetrotters from when I was a child, when they used to do various TV guest spots. I loved them then and can't wait to see them! And the event is going to be so great for people in Mississippi who have lost everything. I can't wait to see them enjoying all the turkey, ham, and other trimmings of a real holiday meal. So we've been busy planning this thing for the last month or so.

Another interesting thing I've been working on is a massive update on our Web site. It's pretty ugly now, but we're working on something that looks a lot better and is very functional as well. Problem is, I don't know anything about Web design, so I'm going to buy HTML for Dummies today and see what I can figure out. We were using Frontpage, but we got Dreamweaver in, so I need to learn how to use it. Maybe I'll buy a copy of Dreamweaver for Dummies too. I'll just have a whole library for dummies before long!

Today is our TGIO party for NaNo, so I have to get ready. We're meeting for lunch, which will be fun. I was going to buy something for everyone, a little trinket for participating, but I spent all my money on Christmas presents for my sister's kids. Such is the life of an aunt, I'm afraid! So I guess I'll do that next year. Oh well, off to the party!

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