Thursday, March 22, 2007

100 things about me

I've seen this on other people's blogs and thought it might be fun. I'm just typing these as they come to me, so they are in no particular order, lol! So here goes...

1. My middle name is Elisabeth.
2. I have an older sister.
3. I'm very close to my parents, especially my mom.
4. When I feel like I'm not in control of my life, I rearrange my furniture.
5. I like the beach during the day, but I love it at night.
6. I'm a writer.
7. I'm an actress.
8. I'm a public relations professional (and the two things above this are useful in that field!)
9. It takes a lot to make me angry.
10. I got married at 19.
11. I got divorced at 22.
12. I'm not desperate for a relationship, but I am at the point where one would be nice.
13. I tend to be a little anal about certain things.
14. The beginnings of these sentences are not lining up and it's starting to annoy me!
15. I don't like tomatoes unless they are on a tomato sandwich or a BLT.
16. I'm a closet sci-fi geek.
17. I studied opera in college and sometimes I sing arias in my car when I'm driving alone.
18. I love jazz.
19. I think roses are beautiful, but also a little sad.
20. I tone down my bubbly personality at work so they won't think I'm an airhead.
21. My favorite book is Fahrenheit 451.
22. My favorite poet is Walt Whitman, favorite poem of his is "O Me, O Life"
23. I can't write poetry.
24. I love "fancy" coffee, but not "regular joe."
25. I play computer games to unwind.
26. When I get mad at someone, I make them a Sim in The Sims 2 and drown them in the pool.
27. I'm not crazy, I promise!
28. I love Italian food.
29. I love accents.
30. I love men.
31. I love to dance, but I'm not very good at it.
32. My favorite painting is Van Gogh's Starry Night.
33. I love Charlie Brown.
34. I have an awesome nephew named Noah, who is the light of my life.
35. I have a beautiful niece named Hannah who is my little princess.
36. My sweet and incredible nephew named Kohl is my cuddle bug.
37. I have horribly embarassing nicknames for my sister's kids, lol!
38. I want to have a child someday.
39. Stress makes me perform better.
40. Sometimes I need to be alone.
41. My sister is constantly trying to fix me up with guys.
42. My sister and I have very different taste in men.
43. I have a few close friends that I've known most of my life.
44. I want to travel the world.
45. I work for a nonprofit and love it.
46. I am 30 years old.
47. I've written 3 novels, but none of them have been accepted for publication yet.
48. I'm determined to get a novel published before I die.
49. I wish I went on more picnics.
50. I'm a hopeless romantic.
51. Chick flicks are my guilty pleasure.
52. Okay, chick lit is a guilty pleasure too!
53. I sometimes wish the book I'm reading would go on after "the end."
54. I get terribly addicted to TV shows.
55. I love to make lists... obviously!
56. I haven't worn a bathing suit in five years.
57. I'm trying a diet and exercise program, but haven't told anyone in case I lapse.
58. I'd rather buy gadgets than clothes.
59. I recently learned to knit, and I love it!
60. I dye my hair.
61. I am not a morning person!
62. I sing in the shower.
63. Show tunes make me happy.
64. I am afraid I will fall in love with the wrong person again.
65. I love the Harry Potter books.
66. I wish I could write a series of books that become that successful.
67. I have an idea that has potential, but it's going to take a lot more work.
68. I do not believe in ghosts.
69. I do believe in spirits.
70. I am a Christian, but I'm not religious.
71. I dislike organized religion.
72. I prefer red wine over white.
73. I hate beer.
74. I sometimes wish I could go back and do things differently.
75. I put people I know into my stories sometimes.
76. I never put myself into my stories.
77. People tell me I look like Drew Barrymore.
78. I wish that was true.
79. I want my life to make a difference in the world.
80. I crave adventure.
81. New experiences are exciting to me, but also a little scary.
82. I Google myself about once a month.
83. When I meet someone new, I Google them when I get home.
84. I love to get comments on my blog!
85. Two years ago, I started taking pictures as a hobby.
86. I carry a camera everywhere I go.
87. My political beliefs are different from most of my family.
88. My IQ is 130
89. I want to go to graduate school.
90. I love hearing other people's stories.
91. I am genuinely interested in people and their lives.
92. I am a Scorpio
93. I was born in the year of the Dragon.
94. My Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFJ.
95. The descriptions for Scorpio and ENFJ are very accurate.
96. I wear contacts (clear, not colored)
97. I am a member of Equality Now
98. Joss Whedon is my hero.
99. I always try to show compassion to everyone.
100. I believe the world would be a better place if nobody had hatred for anyone else.


  1. I had no idea a list could be both amusing and touching. How nice. Thank you.

  2. Thanks! I kept seeing the "100 things about me" lists on people's blogs and thought it would be cool to do one. I think everyone should try it.. it's quite a fun exercise in gettting to know yourself!

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    First off...There is nothing closeted about you! You are a full-fledged scifi geek...come on i have seen the bumper stickers to prove it! Secondly I was amazed that I knew most of the things on the list except for the Favorite book which is very interesting to me...

    I might have to do one of these myself. Of course i don't even respond to those myspace tag your it reveal things about thing-a-ma-bobers...

  4. Closeted to everyone except those nearest and dearest to me, lol...

    Did you really know most of the things? I know there were at least a few you didn't know. I guess that proves that I'm extremely open to my friends... or that there are only certain things I will reveal about myself...

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Thanks for sharing.It is amazing how interesting yr life sounds to me.A writer's life.Wish you every success in your quest to have a novel(s) published.

    It will be happen one day if you do not get distracted :). Thanks for visiting my blog
