Saturday, February 17, 2007

Photo Hunters theme: Antique

This is a picture of my favorite collection! This is the Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, printed in 1917. These are the oldest books I own. I wish I could say there's a long and beautiful story behind them, involving my great grandmother purchasing them for her children to read during long winters while they were forced to stay indoors, but the truth of the matter is, I bought them on eBay a few years ago! I'm sure these books have stories to tell other than the ones between the pages, though. I often imagine the lives of the previous owners and wonder what kinds of homes these books have had in the past. Anyway, it's the only antique thing I own, so there you go!


  1. What a great collection and picture..thanks for posting

  2. Wow! What a terrific collection of old books. :) Great choice for the theme!

    Thanks for visiting and have a good day!

  3. "I wish I could say there's a long and beautiful story behind them, involving my great grandmother purchasing them for her children to read during long winters while they were forced to stay indoors, but the truth of the matter is, I bought them on eBay a few years ago!"

    Too funny! Hey, maybe you can save them for your grandchildren and one day that story will come true:)

  4. You're right ... imagine the stories they can tell!

    Mine's up too :)

  5. And now you have enough reading material for months and months of cold and snow and rain.... are the books abridged or complete. What a great collection.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Very very cool. What a wonderful collection!

    Have a great weekend!


  7. Whoa! I want a set. They are beautiful.

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Cool collection!


  9. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I love the way old books smell. I am fortunate to have some of the Harvard Classics that belonged to my dad when he was a kid.

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Since I'm a huge book lover, I just LOVE your choice for the theme.
    I have quite a few old books here that belonged to my aunt's friend....1800's...and must get on eBay one of these days, as I see that books do sell on there from your purchase.
    Thanks for visiting my place.

  11. A fantastic antique collection. Happy weekend.

  12. Anonymous7:31 PM

    lovely old antique books - they look in great condition :)

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Great picture! What a great set of books!

  14. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Very cool! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Thank you for sharing - there's almost nothing better than an old book, and you've got quite a collection there!

  16. I'm jealous! That is a really impressive set!

  17. They are great old books even if your grandmother didn't buy them.
    You also inspired me to take photos of a couple of old books I have.

  18. This is a great collection, and you tokk the initiativ to buy them yourself. That's great. Wonder what the next antique object will be?

    Have a great Sunday

  19. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I just love old books like this- what a terrific collection!

  20. I too like old books - fabulous!

  21. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Great collection! Thanks for stopping by

  22. I think these will make a great piece of history to hand down to your children...can you even imagine what they will think of these "old" books in another 50 yrs? My photo is up, please come and visit
