Tuesday, July 25, 2006

six pages total!

It looks like I'm trying to work at NaNoWriMo pace today. I got a total of 6 pages finished, and I'm actually really happy with them. I'm working without an outline right now, which usually spells trouble for me later, but it's going so well right now that I'm going to just let it happen. I love when the story reveals itself. I spent some time looking at some of my pictures from Hurricane Katrina for inspiration, since the story is about two people who meet in the aftermath of a devastating storm.

It was a good day to work on this story. There are very low, gray clouds in the sky right now and the wind is blowing pretty strongly. It looks almost tropical out there, even though there are no tropical disturbances right now. (I'm very grateful for that, by the way... I pray every night that we avoid any hurricanes this year. There are just too many people who are still trying to recover from the last two years) But it's good weather for a story that takes place after a storm. I'm trying to really access the emotions I felt after the storm to make it as real as possible. It's easy to fall back on cliche in cases like this, and I'm determined not to!

I'm very happy with today's progress, and since my laptop's battery is about to die, I'm going to stop for now. I want to go to a crafts store just across the street and wander around for a few minutes. And I might go back to the bookstore. They're having a sale on selected books ($1 each!) and I didn't get a chance to look at all of them earlier.

I'll update the wordcount a little later.

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