Saturday, September 17, 2005

To my visitors...

Hi! I've noticed that I've gotten a few visitors lately and I'm so excited! I would love to know what you think of my blog or who you are, or anything you want to tell me! And if you have a blog, I'll be happy to visit and comment on yours! So feel free to leave a comment on this post if you want me to visit your blog. And thanks for coming to mine. I hope you enjoy your time here!


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Seditious Message on Personal Blog Another blogger to lodge report
    The 'good man' struck again, picking another blog this time. Blogger Ameer Zulkifli, or Mack Zulkifli in the virtual world, received a seditious message in his blog, from 'good man' in a ...
    Hey, you have a very nice blog. Keep it up!

    I have a travel adventure site.

    It pretty much covers travel adventure related stuff.

    Check it out if you get time.

  2. I looked at your travel adventure site. Very interesting. Thanks for the link. Also, thanks for the text above it, because it made me want to research further what you were talking about. I went to and read some of the articles there. Very interesting stuff about comments... and about blog censorship. Interesting indeed.
